Name * First Name Last Name Email * Date MM DD YYYY My application is being submitted at least one week prior to the next BHCS Boosters board meeting. In the event that my application is submitted after that date, I understand that it will be reviewed during the following month's meeting. * I acknowledge I understand that I will be notified by a board member by email to confirm receipt. I also understand that they might have follow-up questions to ask if anything is unclear or needs more info. * I understand I understand that I may be requested to attend the board meeting in order to provide more information. * I understand I understand that a request approved by BHCS Boosters is provisional and must receive final approval from BHCS school board and that no funds will be granted or spent without school board approval. * I understand I understand that if my request is approved, a member of the BHCS Boosters board will be assigned to my project and they may be willing to participate or observe. They may also be willing to help capture information about the project in action so that it can be shared in the school newsletter and Boosters' communications. * I understand What month is this grant being considered for review? (Grants must be submitted at least one week prior to a board meeting.) * Who is making this request? * What is your grade, classroom, or program? * What is the name of your request or project? What is the total amount that you are requesting? * What type of request is this? * Innovative Other How would you describe this request? * Is there a link to the product or program to help us learn more? (Link example: If so, include below. http:// How does your grant benefit or improve a current BHCS program? If this is a new program, how is it innovative and forward-thinking? * What is the expected lifespan? For how long do you see the project or program at BHCS? (Some grants fulfill a one-time need and others address start-up costs where additional funds in the future will come from another source.) * Approximately how many students/grade levels will benefit from this grant? * Identify how BHCS Boosters funds will be spent. Please include any shipping/handling charges, other fees, etc. List any funds that are being pledged from other sources. * How will you evaluate the success of this grant? * If you receive this grant, please tell us what format you will use to document the resulting project. (Past grant recipients have used some of the following formats: press release, BHCS newsletter article, short video, thank-you notes from students/staff, photographs, etc.) Please be aware that project documentation is a grant requirement and will be used by BHCS Boosters to raise awareness of our role in the school. If approved, we will assign a board member to your grant. They will be available to you for project updates and often willing to volunteer their time to see the grant in action. * If the grant is technological in nature, has the request been discussed with and approved by the technology director? * Yes No Was this request submitted as part of the current school budget? * Yes No If No, why not? Has the request been discussed with and approved by the principal? * Yes No Does this grant align with BHCS school board policies? Learn more on our policies here: * Yes No Do you have any files to share? (Maybe you've pulled together some files that would be helpful in our decision-making process.) * Yes No Is there anything else that you would like for us to know about your request? Feel free to tell us about the history of this idea, additional benefits to the school community, or any other helpful information. Thank you! apply for a grant submit a grant request, fill out the form below or download a printable hardcopy form here.